Technical Debt Management

Win the Battle! Tackle technical debt with Ardoq

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Over 9 in 10 CTOs believe technical debt is their biggest challenge1


On average, nearly 70% of organizations view technical debt as having a high level of impact on their ability to innovate2


20-40% of CIOs estimate that tech debt amounts to 20 to 40 percent of the value of their entire technology estate3

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How much is technical debt dragging down your business?

Technical debt adds significant risks, drains resources, increases costs, and harms long-term system performance and scalability. As it grows, it increasingly undermines businesses' ability to adapt to demands and leverage new technologies. It’s a constant source of frustration for CIOs and IT teams.

Watch this informative introduction video to see how Ardoq makes tackling technical debt easy. With a firm grip on the business impact and costs, you know what areas to prioritize and how to manage investments.

Everything you Need to Measure and Manage Technical Debt

Ardoq makes tracking, quantifying, and managing technical debt easy. Our ready-to-use solution enables you to take stock of technical debt, ensure critical issues are addressed and properly plan future investments in line with business requirements.

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Quickly Address Key Challenges

Ardoq’s Technical Debt Management solution helps CIOs, CTOs, IT leaders and Enterprise Architects overcome the biggest challenges related to measuring and managing technical debt.

  • Sprawling and poorly documented IT portfolio
  • Hidden or unresolved technical debt
  • Difficulty understanding the scope of the issue
  • Inability to track technical debt's business impact
  • Uncertainty about resource prioritization and investment decisions
  • Lack of alignment to software quality standards (e.g. ISO 25010)

Understand the Scope of the Issue

Get full control of technical debt and understand its impact on business systems, security risks, and the business's ability to reach its objectives.

  • Capture debt items into a structured technical debt register
  • Understand how software quality is adversely affected by technical debt
  • Identify and visualize the technologies impacted by technical debt

Analyze and Prioritize Remediation Efforts

Efficiently estimate technical debt levels, run assessments, and decide what debt you can live with - what you can't - and what you will do to reduce it.

  • Estimate the level of debt using well-known methods
  • Efficiently assess the cost of remediation versus the cost of living with the debt
  • Make smart prioritization decisions based on costs, business criticality, and business impact

Address Issues and Track Progress

Ardoq helps you identify how big a problem technical debt is and where you should focus time and resources. But the solution doesn't stop there. Ardoq also helps you communicate technical debt with key stakeholders and monitor key metrics.

  • Communicate and follow up high-priority initiatives with automated workflows
  • Track technical debt types, levels, costs, impacts and other metrics on dynamically updated dashboards
  • Record agreed action to address technical debt including dates, people, review dates, etc.
  • It would be a dream to see how many hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of dollars Ardoq has helped us to achieve in costs savings through application rationalization, tackling technical debt and thus preventing business critical incidents, or simply via enabling us to move swifter on IT projects and standard operations.

    Klára Janovská
    Former Enterprise Architect at Asahi