Solutions for the Enterprise PMO

In need of a dynamic transformation management tool?

Leverage powerful dashboards, roadmaps, and visualizations to better manage projects, resources, and strategic execution.

Video: Key Capabilities and Benefits How Ardoq Works

Ardoq Is Trusted by Digitally Forward Companies Worldwide

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  • “[With Ardoq] we save time and therefore, in the end, money. Ardoq is the single point of truth. There is no discussion on where to look when you need information.”

    Heiko Bromberger
    Cloud and Data Governance at STIHL
  • "Our goal was to reduce the amount of effort needed to get information on our applications. It requires about a month's worth of time for one person—about €20,000—so Ardoq already pays off because we get the information in just one click."

    robert proeber
    Robert Pröber
    Manager of Cloud and Data Governance
  • "The progress we made in just 3 weeks with Ardoq was beyond what we have usually seen in similar projects with other customers. Without Ardoq, this project would have taken us many more hours to execute with Excel."

    Johan Blom
    Johan Blom
    Senior Manager Retail at Accenture

Key Overviews for the Enterprise PMO