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Shasta Networks Helps PRISM Vision Group Streamline Their Technology Portfolio

How Ardoq Partner Shasta Conquered and Consolidated a Complex Technology Portfolio

  • Reduced technical debt, realizing $1.3M savings per year
  • Added critical insights for decision makers
  • Presented narratives with visualizations

We now know ourselves and have a path forward. People understand where they fit in and how their work is connected to others. That's worth a million bucks to me.

Christopher Cotteleer
Chief Information Officer, PRISM Vision Group
Challenges for PRISM Vision Group

Difficulties Managing Technical Debt Without Overview of Technology Portfolio

  • Rapid acquisition growth across 90 locations in five U.S. states and Washington D.C. resulted in an incomplete overview of systems, applications, and processes
  • Lacked a single source of truth, leading to poorly informed decision-making and missed opportunities for integrating key systems
  • Technical debt accumulated as the company quickly scaled and acquired new companies
Shasta Networks' Approach

How Ardoq Helped

As a lean organization, PRISM Vision Group needed expert support from a consultancy. Working with Ardoq's Partner, Shasta Networks, they: 

  • Mapped out and identified ownership of previously disconnected systems, applications, and processes
  • Used Ardoq to initiate Application Portfolio Management (APM) and introduce Application Rationalization (AppRat) to refine data, manage complexity and cost, and create a single source of truth across the organization, which built a roadmap for future investments and strategic goals
  • Worked with Ardoq’s Partner Solution Specialist to troubleshoot problems and determine the best Ardoq visuals and features to share their technology story with the wider organization
Benefits for PRISM Vision Group

Key Outcomes With Ardoq

Benefits for the whole organization:

  • Reduced technical debt thanks to the new overview of their technology portfolio, identifying $1.3M per year at $14M over 10-years NVP - while realizing $500k of that in 2023 alone by decommissioning superfluous legacy systems
  • A better understanding of the five business domains, which gives vital insight to decision-makers 
  • Understand where applications could interface and prevent manual efforts, saving time and driving down labor costs 

Benefits for the IT Team:

  • PRISM Vision Group's CIO can now focus on other critical projects, thanks to time saved by establishing a central point of contact, clearer documentation, and better communication
  • Form narratives with visualizations, meaning decision-makers truly understand the current state, areas of improvement, and the roadmap forward - alongside the benefits of a well-governed technology landscape
  • Elimination of manual workflow by automating key processes in Ardoq results in significant resource savings
Next Steps

Looking Forward

"Ardoq is flexible, we can use it for so much more. We anticipate a couple of years from now people will knock on our door asking, Can't you just put this into Ardoq and show me how it looks?”

Charles Meade, Senior Director of Data Services, PRISM Vision Group

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