Application Security Overview for Faster Cybersecurity Compliance
- Created an up-to-date application security overview to keep insurance current
- Completed an overview of IT's capabilities
- Successful Human Resources Workday migration thanks to the integration data

360 Degree IT Overview Needed for Insurer and Decision Makers
- Needed documentation of cybersecurity measures and protocols for continued insurance coverage
- Experienced typical public sector budget constraints and slow innovation
- Had no clear view of the tech landscape nor the ability to align technology to strategy
- Created a new EA function consisting of a sole architect who had the dual challenge of implementing and evangelizing EA
Achieve Cybersecurity Compliance Faster
The Head of Enterprise Architecture (EA) needed to build the utility company's EA platform and get internal stakeholder buy-in. As they implemented Ardoq's Best Practice Guides, they also launched a program to educate the company on the purpose and possibility of data-driven EA. With their modeling, they demonstrated EA's strategic direction and company-wide benefits.
- Leveraged Best Practice Guides to record application data and start Application Portfolio Management (APM)
- Used a first draft Business Capability Model (BCM) to socialize Ardoq
- Followed the TIME model as a quick win to uncover IT spend vs. value and gain credibility
- Expanded to application integration data as Ardoq gained traction
Impact on Cybersecurity Compliance and Beyond
- Because of the TIME model, Ardoq quickly gained the attention of Executive Leadership - now stakeholders often ask the head EA directly for IT complexity and capability insights
- Integration data has led to a roadmap for Workday (HR) migration
- Greatly enhanced the speed of cybersecurity compliance. The head EA was able to provide the insurance company with application security data (on-prem, hosting location, etc.) in less than an hour - something that usually took a week or more, leading to a lapse in insurance and possibly higher premiums